A juice cleanse? A juice detox? Whatever you call it and for whatever reason you are doing it these are our most popular products. Every day we receive e-mails, tweets and phone calls about how good our customers feel and how much weight they’ve lost. We’ve been told it has helped them focus in work and for some it becomes a mental thing. A way for them to cleanse their mind as well as their body. Should we be selling a brain detox?!
But here at Fuel Station we never advocate a quick fix. Your Juice Cleanse or Juice Detox should be the start of your journey. You can file us under ‘lifestyle choice’. A lot of our customers schedule in their detox every few weeks. And in between? Well they eat clean. Yep, another one of ‘those’ terms. It just so happens that this is one we really believe in.
It is at least 70% nutrition 30% exercise to achieve the body you want. Some experts have it as high at 80%. I know that’s what Alex Cannon believes, one of our brand ambassadors. He and many others take full advantage of our flexible food delivery service across the UK. Simply pick the number of meals you want and we’ll send them to you. Or have a look at our meal packages like Project Abs which combines meals with protein shakes or our popular 5:2 diet – 5 days of food and 2 days of juice (See this BBC article from Dr Michael Mosley - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19112549)
With our food being prepared by Michelin experienced Chefs you know you are on to a winner. Our meals will help you plan your diet, eating the right thing at the right time as you will always have something available. Whether male or female, we’d recommend starting your day with a low release carbohydrate and a protein. That leads us nicely to our no sugar, no flour protein pancakes! These never fail to impress and with our meal packages you can have 7 stacks sitting in your fridge/freezer waiting for you each morning. Talk about getting your day off to a good start!
Calories, of course, are important. Eat more than you burn off and you’re going to put on weight. However you need to look at how your calories are made up. How much protein are you getting? Are you eating enough good fat? Yes it’s essential your body gets to consume fat so we’ll blog about that soon. Have a scan through our meals available UK wide and see the macro-nutrient profiles to help you choose what’s right for you.
Eat clean and stay lean.
Plus if you have any questions just get in touch – info@fuel-station.co.uk